Indeed, one and all will appreciate that with the current state of hyper-inflation in our country, the cost of construction of such a project will be phenomenal. The fulfillment of this noble task and the achievement / realisation of this great activity is only possible, firstly by the Divine help of Allah Almighty and subsequently by your unfailing moral and financial support. We sincerely appeal to one and all to assist in any possible manner.
Your contributions will definitely be rewarded as the almighty Himself has declared in the Holy Qur'aan:
"Those who spend their wealth (for the cause of Allah) by night and by day, in secret and in public, their reward is by their Lord (Allah) and there is no fear upon them and neither will they be sorrowful."
The Almighty further promises:
"If you assist (the cause of) Allah, then He shall assist you and establish you firmly (in every respect)."
For any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Majlisul Ulama Zimbabwe
PO Box BE13
Email: Click here